Originally a Moose

By Chris Leavens

I intended to draw a moose and poof, it turned into this (Illustration Friday, topic: poof!).

In all honesty this is the best I've felt about anything I've done in weeks. It's also one of the most complicated vector pieces I've done in a while. If anyone's interested, here's a breakdown of the process.

Prints: chrisleavens.imagekind.com


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What crazy world you have here!!! Very funny! Great characters and expressiones!

This is incredible! Very complex, but totally worth it.

Great stuff! Freaky one! Love the colours!

Awww yeeeah. Hell yeah. Hell's yeah.

This is it; this is the one. The colours are perfect and the range of activities and poses among the tiny beasts is excellent and bespeaks a great expense of time and thought.

Pretty much everything in here works, right down to the placement of all the bits in the frame. It also has a palpable sense of depth to it and may well be your most "alive" piece so far. It really does have an undeniable dynamism to it that rocks the MF Casbah.

If I can scrape together the scratch, then I'm buying me one of these.

I love the colors, the pattern created (I can see it as a great fabric design) and the wonderful creatures!

I would love to see a breakdown of the process if you decide to do it.

that is a rad drawing

i like your style

Great image, I love all the layers.


Oh, WOW! This is really awesome. So much to look at, and I love the bright colors. Yes, yes, I'd love to see a breakdown.

Get illo-love it!

crazy characters, love it!

Fantastic color harmony and depth! The characters are warm and fuzzy in a Dr. Seuss-ish way :)

Wow, dazzling to say the least Chris! Looks like a ton of time and energy was put into this. I'd love to see the process broken down here!

Wow! Amazing, this is intense! Please break down the process, since I'm a total dud when it comes to this!


Outstanding work, Chris.

I love your palette! I love the intense energy in your illo, too

Oh yes, do tell us about the process... this is awesome!

an explosion of crazy characters! love it!
and yeah, learning about the process would be great :-)

it's fantastic work! i really love these colours and your origin characters! GREAT!

This is some type of creation myth, right? Regardless, this illo puts great dents into so many of my own notions.

Also, my recaptcha for today was Dodge Attica. The most badass car ever.

For anyone who's interested, here's a breakdown of my process.

great, excellent and lovely work, a really nice interpretation of the subject!



Ed sed:

"Also, my recaptcha for today was Dodge Attica. The most badass car ever."

Dude, I LOVED the ads for that car, the one's with Al Pacino. Chrysler really caused a sales riot with that sweet ride. I especially liked the tagline for the V-8 version: "Be A Prisoner To The Power!"

Mopar all the way, man, all the freakin' way.

I really love your illustration. Fan of your awesome colors and style.

Very cool! Really dig your colors- this piece reminds me a lot of Dr Seuss's style- great little creatures!

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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on August 2, 2008 11:44 PM.

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How the Moose Was Made is the next entry in this blog.

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