October 2009 Archives

Well, it just goes to show you can't get a good project down. As I write this, it has been close to 15 months since NBC took ratings-challenged horror series Fear Itself off the air in favor of the Summer Olympics (who are the programming wizards who made that decision?) and almost as long since Joe and I reviewed the putrid horror anthology Trapped Ashes as a way of sustaining interest in "Project: Fear Itself" until the Olympic Games were over and the show could be returned to the schedule. Alas, this was not to be for the five unaired episodes remained in NBC's vaults despite the perfect opportunity to burn them off that October, which by happenstance had five Thursdays in it (just as it did this year). It seemed we would have to wait for the inevitable DVD release to finish what we (and NBC) had started, which brings us to now.

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Here's a new piece I finished for the upcoming BloodSweatVector art show at the West Berlin Gallery in Berlin, Germany. The show runs from November 12 -> December 12. More info!

Also, if you've got a moment, check out my interview with Colorvision Magazine!

Vector Art, Adobe Illustrator CS4

Prints will be available after the show starts.

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Camilo Bejarano AKA ph7labs recently launched the awesome new publication Colorvision Magazine and was kind enough to interview me. If you've got a few moments, check it out!

Apologies for not being better at communicating with everyone who's been visiting the site and commenting on my work. I've been busier than ever, working seven days a week on new and very exciting projects which I'm sure you'll see in the near future. New artwork will be posted very soon!

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